Værsågod; anden og sidste del af postkortet fra vores New York-eventyr. Denne gang befinder vi os bl.a. i Chelsea, hvor vi brugte timevis på at udforske Chelsea Markets fine butikker og mavegode madoplevelser. Vi spiste billig hummer og sushi hos Lobster Place, og jeg gjorde mig umage for ikke at købe mig fattig i Eleni's Cookies' lyserøde neglelakformede kager. Er man madentusiast som jeg, er Chelsea Market et absolut must. Længere nede går vi tur på Brooklyn Bridge i solskin og blæsevejr.
English recap: That's it for my pictures from our New York adventure. The first photos are from the lovely Chelsea Market, where we spent hours exploring its cute shops and amizing food. We had cheap lobster and sushi at Lobster Place, and I went out of my way not to spent all my money on Eleni's pink nail polish shaped cookies. If you're a food fanatic like me, Chelsea Market is definitely a must-visit. The last bunch of photos are from our windy walk across the Brooklyn Bridge - another big favorite on my NY hit list.
Så smukt