onsdag den 14. august 2013

Fast and easy: brocolli and cauliflower soup

Making a yummy and creamy soup doesn't have to be complicated, nor does it have to involve tons of cream or butter. I threw this one together a few weeks ago, after realizing I had a fridge full of broccoli and cauliflower which I had no idea what to use for. For two portions I used approximately 1/2 of a broccoli bouquet (not including the stalk) and 1/3 of a cauliflower bouquet, which I boiled in 3 dl. chicken stock. When soft and tender I poured the vegetables into a blender along with the remains of the stock, added a couple of tablespoons of low-fat crème-fraiche, blended until well-combined, and tasted with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Voilà: A delicious and healthy soup which makes for a great starter and tastes excellent with a slice of toasted rye bread on the side.
Dansk: For et par uger siden, efter at have opdaget at mit køleskab var fuldt af broccoli og blomkål, som jeg ikke anede, hvad jeg skulle bruge til, biksede jeg ovenviste simple og sunde suppe sammen. Jeg brugte cirka en halv buket broccoli og en tredjedel buket blomkål, som jeg kogte i cirka 3 dl. hønsebouillon. Da grøntsagerne var møre, hældte jeg blandingen i en blender, tilsatte et par spiseskefulde skyr og blendede til en cremet konsistens. Herligheden blev smagt til med salt, peber og muskat og serveret med en skive ristet rugbrød. Lækkert, simpelt og sundt.

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