I love this whole TBT thing. It's the perfect excuse to get all nostalgic and celebrate the retro - and since I love all things retro and at the moment particularly all things 90s, I'm not slow to seize that opportunity. Today's TBT stars are Kate and Johnny, the hottest couple of the 90s. Or maybe ever. Brangelina go home! I mean, imagine what their kids would have looked like. Such a shame we'll never know.
On another note, the two giveaway winners are Marlene (black bracelet) and Ulla (brown bracelet). Congrats! The winners will receive an e-mail.
Dansk: Det er Throwback Thursday, og dagens stjerner er 90'erne hotteste par, Kate Moss og Johnny Depp. Vinderne af konkurrencen er Marlene, som modtager den sorte armbånd, og Ulla, som modtager det brune. Tillykke! Vinderne får besked på mail.
Tak for mailen :)
SvarSletI'm a huge fan of Johnny Depp so thanks for posting this!
Me too - but who isn't?! ;-)