1. Chocolate and avocado cupcakes (recipe here) and a test of the lovely A Beautiful Mess app. 2. A pretty evening in Aalborg.
3. My coffee table looking summerish with fresh cherries and pink roses. 4. Brunchin' with mom.
5. Saturday breakfast: Banana pancakes with cinnamon + coffee. 6. True. I better enjoy the last three years.
7. My oriental meatball dinner (recipe here). 8. The very beautiful green and summery view from my bedroom window.
9. Queen of hearts x 2; my friend and I all dressed-up for the carnival. 10. This is how our little tea party float looked after the parade.
11. New nail polish from Essie called Bahama Mama. 12. Eurovision night.
from @solastdecadeblog
This morning, as I was about to take photos for today's post, I realized my camera was missing. After a couple of minutes of shear panic I suddenly remembered: I left it at my friend's place Saturday morning before the carnival parade (that's what you get for drinking beer at 9 in the morning). Crisis averted. But as for today's post you'll have to make do with the latest of my little everyday photographs from Instagram. Did I mention how much I love this app? It's a lot. And these days I browse through a bunch-load of Instagrams daily for my master thesis about branding in social media. Not the worst kind of data collection there is.
Dansk: Dagens indlæg skulle have været anderledes, men i morges kom jeg pludselig i tanker om, at jeg efterlod mit kamera hos min veninde i lørdags inden karneval (så kan man måske lære at lade være med at drikke øl fra kl. ni om morgenen). Derfor må I i dag nøjes med mine seneste små hverdagsfotografier fra Instagram.
Sikke fine hverdagsglimt - er især vild med alt det lækre mad og solskinnet over Gammel Torv (:
SvarSlet- Anne
Tak Anne, er glad for du kan li' billederne :-)
SvarSletSmil, Tine