tirsdag den 20. august 2013

Rustic tomato salsa

This is hot. In more ways than one. Normally I'm not big on spicy food, but this rustic and tasty tomato salsa might just have changed that. I made it today for lunch, inspired by the morning TV show I always consume along with my morning coffee, and it was spicy love at first bite. And not only does it taste like hotness heaven; it takes merely five minutes to prepare. You know how much I appreciate quick cooking. I had some leftover fresh spinach and capsicum, which I added to my salsa, but I imagine it would taste good with other kinds of veggies as well. The apple juice and the jalapenos are the star ingredients. And the tomatoes of course. Don't forget the tomatoes.

Rustic tomato salsa (serves 1):

3 tomatoes, sliced
A handful pickled jalapenos, chopped
A handful fresh spinach, chopped
1/2 green capsicum, chopped
1. dl. good apple juice
Salt and pepper
Olive oil

Begin by adding the tomatoes to a warm pan with a little olive oil. After a couple of minutes, add the apple juice and the rest of the ingredients, and let the salsa simmer for a few more minutes until you have the desired consistency. Taste with salt and pepper, and voilá: it's ready. Piece of cake, right? I recommend serving your salsa on a slice of toasted rye bread and with a glass of cold apple juice on the side. Do yourselves a favor and make this for lunch. Or dinner. You won't regret it.

Dansk: Jeg er normalt ikke så glad for stærk mad, men det kan ovenviste tomatsalsa, som jeg lavede til frokost i dag, meget vel have ændret på. Den er fuld af smag og tager ikke mere en fem minutter at lave; win. Til én portion skal du bruge tre tomater, en håndfuld hakkede jalapenos, en håndfuld hakket frisk spinat,  en halv peberfrugt i små stykker, en dl. god æblemost samt salt og peber. Tomaterne steges først i olivenolie i et par minutter, og herefter tilsættes de øvrige ingredienser. Salsaen simrer et par minutter, indtil den opnår den helt rette konsistens, smages til med salt og peber, og voilá færdig. Nemt, ikke? Jeg spiste min på en skive ristet rugbrød og med et glas iskold æblemost til.

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