torsdag den 25. juli 2013

Light (faux) chocolate ice cream

As you may have already seen on Instagram (@solastdecadeblog) I snacked on this bowl of deliciousness last night. And the night before that. And the night before that. It's an extremely yummy wannabe chocolate ice cream, which is (almost) as good as the real deal if you ask me. And here's the best part:  it's  sugar free and much healthier, so feel free to double your portion. It has certainly become a favorite summery treat of mine, perfect for those warm nights when you're yearning for something to cool you off while satisfying your sweet tooth. 

Faux chocolate ice cream (serves 1): 

2 bananas, thinly-sliced
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
Approximately 2 tablespoons milk
Sweetener to taste

It's very simple: All you have to do is freeze the bananas, put them in a blender with the other ingredients and mix until you have a well-combined and creamy texture. You can lessen the amount of cocoa powder if you want to taste the banana, or add a little extra if you want a darker, more chocolaty ice cream. I added a little licorice powder to my portion yesterday, which turned out to be icing on an already delicious cake. Yumminess.

Dansk: Denne wannabe chokoladeis er en af mine absolutte sommerfavoritter på snack-fronten. Det smager næsten så godt som den ægte vare og bedst af alt: det er sukkerfrit og meget sundere. Alt, du skal gøre, er, at skære et par bananer i tynde skiver og lægge dem i fryseren et par timer. Når bananerne er frosne, blendes de med en smule mælk, lidt flydende sødemiddel og cirka tre spsk. kakaopulver, til det har en lækker, cremet konsistens. Kakao mængden kan naturligvis justeres, afhængigt af hvor meget, man ønsker, bananen skal kunne smages. 

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