lørdag den 6. juli 2013

The monster smoothie

I haven't been posting many outfits or 'fashiony' things lately, but there is a good reason. The thing is, I don't get out much these days, and the only outfit I seem to be wearing is sweat pants and a t-shirt. Very not charming, I know, but when all you do each day is get up and sit in front of the computer there just isn't much reason for dressing up. It's sad. My poor boyfriend must be sick of looking at the same mess every day. I'll make it up to him when we get to Sardinia. 

Even though I'm crazy busy, one thing I don't neglect is the cooking and snack making. A girl has got to eat, right? So, I hope you're not tired of food posts, cause here is one more, and it's pretty much all I got right now. I'll make it up to you too when I get to Sardinia. The 'monster smoothie', as I like to call it, cause it's green and looks all slimy, is packed with vitamins and healthy goodies, and it tastes really good too. As usual I measured the ingredients by eye, so the following is not necessarily 100 per cent precise. 

Green monster smoothie (serves 1):

2 bouquets of broccoli 
1 handful frozen spinach 
1/2 banana
2 kiwis
Zest from 1 orange 
Zest from 1/2 lemon
1,5 dl. pineapple 
1 handful blueberries, fresh or frozen

Blend all of the ingredients together until you have a smooth consistency. Spinach has quite a strong taste, but you can always adjust the amount of orange zest to make the taste sweeter and less 'spinachy'. I like to also add a teaspoon linseed oil to my smoothies, and if you want to go all in on the whole 'green smoothie' idea you can add a bag of green tea as well. Enjoy, and have a very lovely weekend.

Dansk: Jeg håber ikke, I er træt af mad indlæg? For eftersom mit daglige specialeoutfit består af pyjamasbukser og en t-shirt, er det simpelthen alt, jeg har at tilbyde lige nu. Jeg har vanvittigt travlt, men jeg lover at gøre det godt igen, når specialet er ude af verden om 3 uger (både for Jer men også min kæreste, som må være temmelig træt af at kigge på den samme rodebunke hver dag). Nu til monster smoothien, som jeg kalder den. Den er lavet af frossen spinat, broccoli, banan, kiwi, ananas, appelsin, citron og blåbær. Mængderne ovenfor er vejledende og kan justeres afhængigt af, hvor sød en smag man ønsker. Jeg tilføjede desuden en smule hørfrøolie, som jeg gør med alle mine smoothies. Hav en vidunderlig weekend. 

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