onsdag den 18. september 2013

Crispy tuna meat balls with sesame

Some days call for easy and simple yet delicious recipes which don't require much time or effort. These tasty tuna meat balls are perfect for such days. I like to pair them with a rich bulgur salad with loads of greens, sprinkled with sesame and parsley to match the taste of the meatballs.

Crispy tuna meat balls, inspired by The Food Club (makes 20):

3 cans of tuna
3 eggs
2 garlic cloves
90 g rolled oats
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Juice of 1 lime

Begin by blending the rolled oats until you have a fine, flour-like consistency. With a blender or hand mixer, combine tuna with oat flour, two of the eggs, lime juice, salt, and pepper. Add the finely-chopped garlic and parsley and combine well. Beat the last egg in a bowl. Mold the tuna mixture into small balls, roll them in the beaten egg, then sesame seeds, brush with a bit of oil, and bake in the oven at 180 degrees C for 25 minutes or until they are golden. Easy Wednesday dinner is served!

Dansk: Nogle dage kalder på simple og hurtige men lækre opskrifter, som ikke kræver for meget tid og energi, og ovenviste tundeller med sesam og havrerasp er perfekte til sådanne dage. Måske en idé til onsdagens aftenmåltid? Opskriften er inspireret af The Food Club

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yaay, den her opskrift har jeg ventet paa! Den skal jeg helt sikkert pröve af :)



    1. Spændende! Håber, du vil synes om dem :-)
