These past days have been crazy, busy, and wonderful. On Wednesday I had my final exam ever (hopefully), and I now officially have a master's degree in English and International Business Communication. It feels a bit weird, having been a student for the past 20 years and suddenly not being one anymore, but mostly it just feels pretty great. I've spent the weekend celebrating my new-found freedom with family and friends, who have loaded me down with lovely gifts and flowers, its overwhelming. To top it all off, my boyfriend gave me a trip to NY in the spring. That is, he gave me a white t-shirt on which he had written 'I love NY' with a black marker as an invitation. He's kind of amazing.
Now on to a more slightly simpler yet equally important matter: crispbread. These are incredibly easy to make, and they taste so delicious it's hard to keep from constantly snacking.
Crispbread with cinnamon (makes 40):
2 dl. rolled oats
1 dl. sesame seeds
1 dl. sunflower seeds
1 dl. flaxseeds
1 dl. wholegrain flour
2 dl. wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 dl. water
1 dl. vegetable oil
3 teaspoons cinnamon
Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. Divide the batch in two, and place each half on a baking sheet with baking paper. Add a sheet of baking paper on top and use a rolling pin to spread out and flatten the dough, until it's about 3 mm. thick. Remove the top baking sheets and use a sharp knife to cut the dough into squares, then bake at 200 degrees C for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool for ten minutes before digging in. Told you it was easy.
Dansk: De seneste dage har været hektiske, tralve og vidunderlige. I onsdags var jeg til min allersidste eksamen, og jeg kan nu omsider kalde mig cand. mag. i Engelsk og International Virksomhedskomunikation. Hurra og hallelujah, hvor det føles rart. Og en lille smule underligt. Jeg har selvsagt brugt weekenden på at fejre med familie og venner, som har overdynget mig med fantastiske gaver, heriblandt en invitation til NY, som jeg fik af min kæreste. Han er i øvrigt den bedste i verden.
I går eftermiddags holdt jeg en pause fra fejringerne og bagte knækbrød efter ovenviste opskrift. De er utroligt nemme og hurtige at lave, og så smager de så lækkert, at det er svært at holde fingerene fra dem, når først de er i skabet. Jeg synes, I skal prøve dem.